Rund um die Tracheotomie und das Thema Trachealkanülen gibt es ein viele interessante Studien. Sofern wir sie als Grundlage für unsere Informationen genutzt haben, findest du sie in dieser Liste.
Literatur- und Quellenangaben:
- Amathieu, R., Sauvat, S., Reynaud, P., Slavov, V., Luis, D., Dinca, A., et al. (2012). Influence of the cuff pressure on the swallowing reflex in tracheostomized intensive care unit patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 109(4), 578–583.
- Terk, A. R., Leder, S. B., & Burrell, M. I. (2007). Hyoid Bone and Laryngeal Movement Dependent Upon Presence of a Tracheotomy Tube. Dysphagia, 22(2), 89–93.
- Fillbrandt, A., Birkmann, U. Kölner Befundsystem für Schluckstörungen im Schwerpunkt Trachealkanülenmanagement. Prolog (2017).
- Pharyngeal electrical stimulation for early decannulation in tracheotomised patients with neurogenic dysphagia after stroke (PHAST-TRAC): a prospective, single-blinded, randomised trial; Dziewas, Rainer, Braun, Tobias et al.; The Lancet Neurology, Volume 0, Issue 0.
- Pryor, L. N., Ward, E. C., Cornwell, P. L., O’Connor, S. N. & Chapman, M. J. Clinical indicators associated with successful tracheostomy cuff deflation. Aust Crit Care 29, 132–137 (2016).
- Fiorelli, A. et al. A New Modified Evans Blue Dye Test as Screening Test for Aspiration in Tracheostomized Patients. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (2016). doi:10.1053/j.jvca.2016.07.031
- Hey, C. et al. Penetration-Aspiration Scale according to Rosenbek. HNO 62, 276–281 (2014).
- Pluschinski, P., Zaretsky, Y. & Almahameed, A. Secretion scale by Murray et al. for FEES®: comparison of reliability and validity of the German long and short version. Der Nervenarzt (2014). doi:10.1007/s00115-014-4192-6
- Murray J. Manual of Dysphagia Assessment in Adults. Singular Publishing Group, INC. San Diego, London (1999).
- de Lima Zanata, I., Santos, R. S. & Hirata, G. C. Tracheal Decannulation Protocol in Patients Affected by Traumatic Brain Injury. Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 18, 108–114 (2014).
- Bartolome, G., Schröter-Morasch H. BODS in Schluckstörungen: Diagnostik und Rehabilitation. Urban und Fischer (2005).
- Morris, L. L., Whitmer, A. & McIntosh, E. Tracheostomy Care and Complications in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse 33, 18–30 (2013).
- Teasdale, G. & Jennett, B. Assessment and prognosis of coma after head injury. Acta neurochir 34, 45–55 (1976).
- Crary, M. A., Mann, G. D. C. & Groher, M. E. Initial Psychometric Assessment of a Functional Oral Intake Scale for Dysphagia in Stroke Patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86, 1516–1520 (2005).
- Trapl, M. et al. Dysphagia bedside screening for acute-stroke patients: the Gugging Swallowing Screen. Stroke 38, 2948–2952 (2007).
Wenn du nach Büchern zum Thema Trachealkanülenmanagement suchst, haben sie drüben auf bestimmt was passendes: Bücher zum Thema Trachealkanülen aus therapeutischer Sicht.